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Grand Border Project Of Iran And Azerbaijan A Symbol Of Iranian Engineers Capability And Realization Of Water Diplomacy

Grand Border Project of Iran and Azerbaijan A Symbol of Iranian Engineers Capability and Realization of Water Diplomacy

Tehran, Iran - November 25th, 2023

Press Release

The Grand Border Project, a joint venture between Iran and Azerbaijan, is a testament to the capability of Iranian engineers and the realization of water diplomacy. The project, which involved the construction of a dam and reservoir on the Aras River, was completed in 2023 and has already begun to provide significant benefits to both countries.

The dam has created a reservoir with a capacity of 1.6 billion cubic meters, which will provide water for irrigation, drinking water, and flood control. The project has also created new opportunities for economic development in the region, including tourism and recreation.

The Grand Border Project is a symbol of the strong relationship between Iran and Azerbaijan. It is a testament to the power of cooperation and the importance of water diplomacy. The project will continue to benefit both countries for generations to come.
